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Male arm and hand replacing furnace filter in DavidsonFurnace|Maintenance

The Importance of Furnace Filters

Furnace filters. They’re one of those items not really on the top of everyone’s minds, but they are important and can have a big impact. With the right furnace filter, you can save money and improve your indoor air quality (IAQ) in one fell swoop. The primary function of your …
Two pumpkins sitting in a red wagon where families need to learn about their furnace.Furnace

How Furnaces Work

Winter is almost here in Mooresville, NC, and here at Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning, we believe everyone should have basic knowledge about how their appliances work. Gas furnaces create heat by burning natural gas. This gas is usually methane combined with other carbon based gasses. The Ignitor The process …
This house in DavidsonHeat Pump

What is a Heat Pump?

A heat pump is a device that transfers heat from one place to another, from inside to outside or from outside to inside. In the winter, a heat pump works like a heater, extracting heat energy from outside and transferring it inside. In the summer, the process reverses and it …
Multiple air conditioner units outside of a house in CorneliusAir Conditioning

How Does My Air Conditioner Work?

An air conditioner is a standard appliance in interior comfort. The Energy Information Administration reports that AC units account for almost 20 percent of yearly electricity consumption in the US. At Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning, we believe that knowledge is power: The more you know about the appliances you …
Air Conditioning

Why is My AC Blowing Hot Air?

What happens when you turn on your air conditioning unit and it blows hot or warm air? There are many reasons this might be happening, but we know it is not acceptable here in Mooresville. We want to keep you cool at Griffin, so here are a few simple things …
NATE - North American Technician Excellencemaintenance

What Does it Mean to be NATE Certified?

NATE stands for North American Technician Excellence. NATE is the nation’s largest certification organization for HVAC and refrigeration technicians. It’s important to note that almost everyone in the HVAC and refrigeration industries recognizes and supports a NATE certification, although not everyone in the industry is NATE-certified. It’s a discretionary certification, …