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ac tune-upAir Conditioning

Do I Really Need an AC Tune-Up?

Home ownership comes with a great deal of responsibilities and an ever-growing to-do list. Add to that the responsibilities of a career and a family, and you see why modern life runs at a constant, fast pace here in the Charlotte Metropolitan area. It’s easy to bump things like an air conditioner tune-up down the priority list, both in terms of time and money. It’s very likely you have higher priorities requiring more urgent attention than an air conditioner that seems to be working just fine.
HVAC Ways to go greenGeneral HVAC

HVAC Ways To Go Green

Going green is all the rage. And it’s understandable why. We all have a responsibility to care for the world around us for future generations. You probably already take at least small steps to do things like reduce, reuse, and recycle.
listen to your hvac systemGeneral HVAC

Listen To Your HVAC System

Think of your heating and cooling (HVAC) system components as the instruments in a quiet symphony. When all the pieces are in good condition and work in harmony, the only sounds you will hear will be the quiet hum of a motor and whisper of air as it exits registers in your North Carolina home.
whole-house humidity controlindoor air quality

Why You Need Whole-House Humidity Control

When indoor plumbing became more popular in the 1940s, a whole new level of comfort and convenience began for homeowners. However, with that convenience came new challenges. One of those challenges is controlling humidity levels so they remain safe and comfortable inside your home. According to, the ideal humidity level is between 30 percent and 50 percent.
is my furnace overheating?, man teaching baby to walkFurnace

Is My Furnace Overheating?

Just about any electrical appliance has the potential to overheat. Furnaces are no exception. As a homeowner, you need to take precautions to lower the risk of an overheated unit. You should also be wary of the associated symptoms, so you know when to take action. Remember, if your system gets too hot, you should keep a cool head and get your furnace taken care of right away.
Winter landscape seen through the window, and green plant, why is my heat pump freezing upHeat Pump

Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing Up?

Our team at Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning regularly gets calls about frozen heat pumps. Though common, a heat pump freeze-up usually means your system’s components are not working correctly. Sometimes you can fix it yourself. But oftentimes, you will need to call a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) professional, like us, as the problem may require a part replacement or complex repair.
Furnace filters 101Furnace

Furnace Filters 101

Your furnace filter is the unsung hero of your furnace. It quietly does its job without any fuss and allows the rest of the furnace to do its job. It’s not a complicated item, but there are some basics we at Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning think you should know to help it do its job.